Mozilla Firefox 3.5 launch on Jun 30th. Firefox 3.5 is now available for
download here (for Microsoft Windows operating system). This is the explanation from Mozilla about their new product "The Fastest Firefox Yet Things move quickly online, and we’ve beefed up the engine that runs Firefox to make sure you can keep up: Firefox 3.5 is more than twice as fast as Firefox 3, and ten times as fast as Firefox 2.* As a result, Web applications like email, photo sites and your favorite social networks will feel snappier and more responsive".
This is speed comparison between firefox 3.5, 3, and 2, based on the results of a SunSpider test of JavaScript performance on a Windows XP machine: 1,524 ms, 3,669 ms, and 18,148 ms
New Feature: Advancing the Web like private browsing, tear-off tabs and enhancements to the Awesome Bar, plus major performance enhancements, you’ll enjoy life on the cutting edge.
So don't wait any longer, try it and happy browsing.
this is the fastest browser i ever used
orang ganteng mo numpang beken neh, boleh ya
thanks for your info, go to download it
hmmm ... di browserku kok belum ada rekomendasinya, ya? hehe ... mozila memang paling keren!
nice info...
keren banget nih mozilla
beneran nih sekenceng itu? cobain juga ah..
katanya mozilla sih seperti itu mas jimmy
saya belum tau mau download atau nggak yach...
yang lebih jelasnya untuk security lebih tajam buat motong site yang nakal. saya punya data korbannya
mantap...lah wak install yg iko sanak, mokasih inponyo
mantap juga nih informasinya, saya ijin download gan , makasih infonya
Pake Mozilla Firefox kini makin asyik, nggak kalah sama G chrome. Bagi yang belum menggunakan, bisa download via link yang ada di postingan ini.
Makasih ya gan atas informasiny. . jangan lupa mampir balik ya disitus kami
salam sehat
Pagi gan. . ijin nyimak artikelnya nih, mantap banget tipsnya
Salam sehat & sukses terus ya gan
Ijin mampir dan nyimak artikelnya ya gan. . Nice dan semoga sukses terus
i often use chrome
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