After completing Joomla 1.5 installation process, we usually going to the Joomla administrator page. But when I go to an administrator page joomla 1.5, page load very slow, and after it finish loading page, there is an error message "Error loading feed data". In this installation process, i also installing Joomla 1.5 sample data. After googling for a while, i found how to repair these errors. Here are the steps:
- Go to page administrator
- Go to Extensions, then click on the module manager
- Then select the pages / tabs administrator
- Find a module "Joomla! Security Newsfeed"
- Then disable the module
Finally, logout of the administrator page and return to log in to the page, then we will not see the error message again.
greeting for you
ehm this meka me know more actually chek for error loading just do thistrick simple but flexible thanxs
i also installing Joomla 1.5 sample data. After googling for a while, i found how to repair these errors.
nice post, nice blog, nice to meet you
thanks for share,.,.
nice to meet you
Hi! nice post but can you try to explain the situation where u need the feed to work. My case is that I am trying to make the 'news feeds' component work..the same error comes up when trying to pull the feeds from the initial urls and I have tried to create even another feed form a url which I know works but still same error...
for anonymous: i found this error after installing joomla + sample, and i'm not using this feed in my site. that's the situation.
Thanks for responding kampiabareh...I am still trying to make this is a usefull feature in a situation where u dont need a content manage to post items to the site but automatically syndicate from other sites.apparently seems joomla has issues with this functionality. I will post if i get it right. My situation is that we have a site for an organization with about 20 members, so we need the news page to be pulling articles from the member sites....
very help full
It was nice to find this article. Thanks
mantap mebantu banget
Belum pernah pake joomla sob, selama ini pake wordpress.
Mohon ijin belajar joomla...
I don;t khow joomla.. hehe
Waah saya masih newbi .. gak tahu tuh namanya joomla
salam kennal .
nnice post .
maksih buat iinfo.a .
bissa dicoba .
wah...amnteb nih sob.....datang kembali kali aja ada postingan baru
nice article, especially for joomla users
gretings .
thanks for share .
be success .
salam kenal .
makasih buat ilmunya .
alo bos, salam kenal :)
ane newbie pake joomla, thanks ya artikelnya
btw tukeran link yuk :D
ditunggu kabar baiknya ya :)
nice article .
thanks .
Belum pernah pake joomla sob. Tapi tertarik juga nih buat nyoba.
Joomla apa bagus buat SEO?
makasih infonya gan. salam kenal
belum ngerti dengan Joomla sama sekali :D
Finally, my problem solved. Thanks.
begitu ya..
tukang insinyur bangetz neh.. ;)
Nice info...thanks.
salam kenal sob dari saya.
bolehkah kita bertukaran link?
thx :)
Nice info...thanks.
terimakasih atas informasinya, namun saya belum terlalu familiar dengan joomla
mas cara cara nya udah saya coba, tapi gag bisa tuh, gimana ya > apa ada yang terlewatkan ??
error nya bisa dijelaskan nggak mas?
sip..dah sob...infonya..sayang q mash bingung...maklum mash newbie..
Makasih Sob udah semper berkunjung ke Blog ane, Blogwalking memang memperat Tali Silaturahmi.....hehehe Oia Sekarang saya punya Situs baru Nih Ngereview masalah Printer rusak, Sempatkan Silaturahmi ke Situs baru saya juga ya...hehe
Salam blogger, salam Hangat...
Hrmm that was weird, my comment got eaten. Anyway I wanted to say that it's nice to know that someone else also mentioned this as I had trouble finding the same info elsewhere. This was the first place that told me the answer. Thanks.
I recently came across your blog and have been reading along. I thought I would leave my first comment. I dont know what to say except that I have enjoyed.
Thank you for your work !
thanks your post is very good...goood...goood!
Terima kasih atas informasi yang hebat ini. =)
kunjungan perdana
mantap gan ijin nyoba langsung k tkp
Numpang tenar bang..
i make joomla and never done.....bwhahahaha
This truly is a very important blog. Thanks for sharing this valuable information with us.
nice info,thanks infonya
slam kenal gan sukses sllu ya
i like it gan
good luck always
terima kasih gan buat infonya, sangat membantu sekali gan , makasih atas infonya
salam kenal .
makasih buat infonya .
thanks .
lam kenal kunjungan malam nih,,,makasih dah berbagi info yang berguna dan membantu,,
nice info,,thanks for information,,
keep blogging moga jadi ilmu yang berguna,,,,
Good fix. Thanks
informasi mantap nih, ane langsung meluncur ke TKP gan
informasinya ,sangat bermanfaat sekali gan , salam kenal aja gan
ok juga nih informasinya, makasih banyak ya gan
great info,,thanks for share,,
kunjungan malam nih,,infonya sangat bermanfaat sekali,,,makasih dan sukses slalu,,,
ok banget nih informasinya, sangat bermanfaat sekali gan , langsung saja ke tkp
thnks for share ..
moga bermanfaat ..
lam kenal ya ..
sukses selalu
terimakasih infonya .
moga bermanfaat ..
thanks for the short and to the point fact. it helped me.
nice share,,
salam kenal
makasih banyak nih buat informasinya, sukses selalu yah
terima kasih ilmunya ya semoga bermanfaat
This has been a very significant blog indeed. I’ve acquired a lot of helpful information from your article. Thank you for sharing such relevant topic with us. I really love all the great stuff you provide. Thanks again and keep it coming
Thank you for sharing such relevant topic with us. I really love all the great stuff you provide. Thanks again and keep it coming
keren sekali nih artikelnya,mengandung ilmu nih gan, makasih banyak ya gan
Tnx a lot....
thanks a lot for information :)
i need dictionary for understand this article :D
thanks for your information about that,,
but i want to ask you, what it is joomla??
mana translate nya??
Awesome post this one realy helped me at my point of confusion :) Realy thanx alot for sharing :) Keep it up ;)
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That's really massive exposure post and I must admire you in this regard.
Thank's gan untuk info dan tipsnya. . semoga bisa bermanfaat ya
salam sehat
Salam sehat dan happy weekend gan. . sukses terus ya untuk blognya
Update teru, terimakasih
yes i often find this error.nice info thx :)
Nice Info
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