Friday, July 24, 2009

Windows 7 Release Candidate Download Will End

I get e-mail notification from Microsoft (, and this is content of e-mail:

[Notice: Downloads will end August 20

Thanks for all your help building Windows 7. We are on our way to the last big milestone: Release to Manufacturing. Starting on October 22, you’ll see it on PCs and store shelves. As we gear up for that, it’s time to wind down the Release Candidate testing program.

If you or a friend needs a download, you’ve got time. We’ll continue to offer the RC download until August 20, 2009. After that, you won’t be able to get the download, but if you have the bits, you can still install the RC and get a key if you need one. (To get a key, just go to the Downloads page and follow the instructions.)

Tell us what you think. If you’re using the Windows 7 Release Candidate, we hope you like what you see. Let us know -- go to and tell us what you think. You’ll be able to give feedback on various aspects of the operating system.

Got the RC and need help? Experts on the Windows 7 Forum can help answer your questions. The forum also gives you a way to share what you’ve learned with other people.

Essential resources
The Installation Instructions give you the info you need to get started.
To get more information about Windows 7, such as feature descriptions, screencasts, faqs, whitepapers, step by step walkthroughs and our new IT Pro at Home area, visit the Springboard Series on TechNet website.
Looking for technical help or information? Here are a few sources:

You can keep up to date on news about Windows 7 on the team blog and the Springboard Series blog.

To get more general information on Windows, make sure you’re subscribed to the Springboard Series Insider newsletter or follow us on Twitter.

Learn more about the people behind the design and engineering of Windows 7 at Talking About
Thanks again for your investment in Windows 7.
The Windows 7 Team]

So, hurry up, don't waste your time, download now Windows 7 Release Candidate to try new Operating System from Microsoft.


faizalnizam said...

can't wait to try the full version of windows 7.. I dont really like vista.. but I hope I will like this one!

Berry Devanda said...

nice info...

alnect komputer mp3 player berkualitas said...

berarti masih beta ya bos...maaf agak katrox...:))

Juliawan said...

hehehe belum pengin nyoba windows 7 tapi boleh lah entar kapan2 hehehe nice info ,and salam kenal ya :D

kampiabareh said...

ma kasi semua atas komentarnya, saya juga masih katrokxxx, dan masih belajar

Animosity said...

i really wanted to try Windows 7.. Windows Vista sucks for me.. i've been waiting for a newer system.. =)

article ko said...

thanks for this very nice information. i want to try this- Gem

meryl said...

very useful info. happy weekend. ^_^

ekosulisto said...

aku belum donlot tuh??? bagus ga yach windows 7??

kampiabareh said...

tuk mas eko, sampe sekarang aku masih make windows 7, nggak ada masalah tuh, tampilannya mantap

kiting said...

benar tuh mas eko. windows 7 mantep.. malah lebih ringan dibandingan windows vista

henry said...

windows 7 is the best.. article ini is the best juga... salam sobat

genial said...

article yang luar biasa kang :) terimakasih atas informasinya :) sangat membantu kami-kami yang tdk mengerti menjadi sedikit lebih tau... kenapa sedikit? karena memang utek saiia nya yg 'sedikit', seuprit :)

salam kenal mas :)

My XDA Blogspot said...

masi demen sama win XP, hehehe... pake style win 7 aja lah...

My XDA Blogspot

sitemap error said...

numpang beken lagi bro...

Kev said...

i don't think i wanna use any new Windows versions yet - i know Microsoft (the creep) would phase out XP some day so that sales for Vista and other versions are better. For now, i'm happy with XP, and i think it should last another 3-5 years. :)

C.C. Tan said...

i cant seems to download it, dunno why...
after asking me to login my windows live account, it brought me to a new page and it seems to stuck there like forever without any progress....
anybody facing this problem while downloading or its my problem only?
any advice?

sejarah komputer said...

good article...

barajakom said...

salam kenal.....

NURA said...

salam friend
thank info
I want try download ,,,wish me luck.

salam kenal dari NURA
saya sdh follow nich,,follow back ditunggu.

gema_gogo said...

I think windows 7 is same version with windows vista..

but windows 7 is so fast then vista.

good info friend, keep posting.

kakve-santi said...

sayang belum berminat...

masi setia dengan XP..

Dhemz said...

came here to visit!

ekosulistio said...

i am late to download it.....

mengembalikan jati diri bangsa said...

infonya menarik nieh..

cubadak-angek said...

makasi infonya

Koko James said...

harus bersabar nih..keren bgt nih ^^

hadi said...

mantap lah nye...wak bae lho mancangkuang disiko...dulu, wak tambah lah link mandan di t4 wak yo, jan lupo masuak'an lo wak disitu dih...salam

lina@happy family said...

Nice info, but I don't intend to change my OS...

newbi said...

blogger skr emang keren2
udah blognya keren
postinganya keren
alexanya keren
orgnya pasti keren

Mommy Mayonnaise said...

I think I'm happy enough with XP for now :)
But thanks for the information anyhow

kakve-santi said...

teguhlah pada XP...hahah!

dhemz said...

another day..another penny day for!

wantie said...


Kumpulan SMS Ramadhan Dan Selamat Hari Raya Idul Fitri said...

Salam sobat kemana aja nih... bagai siapa saja yg perlu kumpulan SMS lebaran idul fitriada di sini

tips blog said...

wah dah telat aku ya mas..

C.A.T. said...

Why risking ourselves with another unproven reliability? I've had my lessons with Vista. Unless no more XP-compatible softwares are to be released, I'll stick with my trustworthy XP.

AnekaCampur said...

Ada Award tuk Sobat, mohon diterima ya.

Raven Winguard said...

Hey thx 4 the visit~ ^_^

Nice article, I hope I can enjoy the new version of Windows soon enough ^_^

I'm sure it's going to be great!

sewa komputer said...

visit to website, i want to know about bisnis...thanx

Obat Kolesterol Tinggi Tradisional said...

Makasih ya gan atas informasiny. . jangan lupa mampir balik ya disitus kami
salam sehat

Toko Ace Maxs said...

Pagi gan. . ijin nyimak artikelnya nih, mantap banget tipsnya
Salam sehat & sukses terus ya gan

Obat Kolesterol Tinggi Tradisional said...

Ijin mampir dan nyimak artikelnya ya gan. . Nice dan semoga sukses terus

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