Friday, September 11, 2009

Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3 Released

My favorite internet browser, mozilla firefox has been update to 3.5.3. There are several security issues and stability issues has been fixed. This version have been released on 9th September 2009. There are 4 security issues have been fixed in Mozilla Firefox 3.5.3. 3 of them are critical security vulnerability, and 1 low security vulnerability. So i think all Firefox users must updated their old browser as soon as possible to avoid security impact, and to have secure browsing.

We can download it here (for windows users) and here (for other operating system). And for older version users we can automatically or manually update it.
Automatic updates:
By default, Firefox is configured to automatically check for updates for itself.
1. When an update is available, the Firefox Update dialog is automatically displayed. It contains a list of updates for Firefox components that are installed on your system. To begin updating your software, click OK. The new versions of any selected updates are downloaded and installed.
2. When the install process is complete, you must restart Firefox. To close Firefox and re-open it, click Done.
3. After Firefox restarts, all updated versions of Firefox components are available.
1. When an update is available, the Software Update dialog is automatically displayed. It contains a list of updates for Firefox components that are installed on your system. To begin updating your software, click OK. The new versions of any selected updates are downloaded and installed.
2. When the install process is complete, you must restart Firefox. To close Firefox and re-open it, click Done.
3. After Firefox restarts, all updated versions of Firefox components are available.
Manually check for updates:
1. To manually check for a Firefox update, click the Help menu at the top of the Firefox window on the menu bar, and select Check for Updates....
* If it is grayed out, see Check for Updates is disabled.
2. If updates are available, click Get the new version » to begin the process.
*If no updates are available, click Finish to close the window.
3. When the install process is complete, you must restart Firefox. To close Firefox and re-open it, click Restart Firefox Now.
4. After Firefox restarts, all updated versions of Firefox components are available.
5. Any add-ons you have installed, which are not yet compatible with the new version will be listed. You can choose to check for updates to those add-ons or check later.

Don't waste your time, update yours


faizalnizam said...

thanks for the info.. just update both firefox and flash player

jopi said...

wow...i will download it quickly...

newbi said...

seems faster than previous
good article

Mengembalikan Jati Diri Bangsa said...

Good info, I like this, and I've tried it

hadi said...

mozilla memang jadi browser nan paliang mantap, apo lai untuak awak kaum blogger ko. dek suasana hari RAYO IDUL FITRI, Mohon Maaf Lahir dan Batin Sanak Kami..

sewa komputer said...

visit to website, i want to know about bisnis..thanx

hadi said...

back and star action again...always success..

solusi terbaik tambah tingggi said...

Alhamdulillah ,makasih bos Saya jadi tambah ilmunya nih....he he he

Salam sehat dan tambah tinggi

hadi said...

my favourite too

nada said...

can not wait to try

dhemz said...

came here to visit again!

hadi said...

mozilla the best choice ...browser...

PR secret said...


Anonymous said...

yang 3.6 udah ada belum yah ?

festival museum nusantara said...

yang mantap dan keren neh adalah multiple search engine popular said...

walking here...

ralarash said...

nice info!!

a charismatic leader said...

sekarang udah msuk versi ke 8.. segera download!!

music improvisation said...

udah donwload, thanks udah share..

Obat Kolesterol Tinggi Tradisional said...

Makasih ya gan atas informasiny. . jangan lupa mampir balik ya disitus kami
salam sehat

Toko Ace Maxs said...

Pagi gan. . ijin nyimak artikelnya nih, mantap banget tipsnya
Salam sehat & sukses terus ya gan

Obat Kolesterol Tinggi Tradisional said...

Ijin mampir dan nyimak artikelnya ya gan. . Nice dan semoga sukses terus

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